
Partis of Painting & Narraitive


Contrast (people over the wall and people front of the wall)

Light and Shadow


The composition emphasizes the woman who is agonized due to Calvinist the central doctrine of the Calvinism is the idea of predestination which suggests that some persons are predetermined by God to go to hell, while others are predetermined to go to Heaven, regardless of the actions of these persons. This painting contrasts several binary divisions some including : God’s voice and own voice, black and white, light and shadow, people over the wall and people front of the wall, sin and God, freedom and restriction. In this painting everyone is focused on the priest’s sermon, except for a woman sitting behind a partition the rays of the morning sun light appear to touch everyone, except for the woman sitting on the floor. She appears to be afraid to stand in front of God. She is avoiding the light and the word of God that is preached by the Priest and instead listens to the sound of her own thoughts full of self-reproach, regret, hatred, yearning, loneliness and doubt about the Holiness of Calvinism.

“A Room for an agonized woman awaiting her Judgement Day or …”

(The endless sentence gives an atmosphere of Suspense and Possibility. She could doubt about Calvinism but also could leave its belief systems altogether)

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